Be Willing To Experience Discomfort As Information

As you evolve to operate from higher states of consciousness, one of the aspects of grace you get to master is discerning what is yours to do and what is not.

Just like all intuitive discernment, there is a sensation for you to recognize when you are about to engage in work that takes you on a tangent from your true expression. That sensation is unique to you. It may be uncomfortable. It may be uncomfortable in such a familiar way that you feel compelled to jump out of your seat and act immediately, just to make the discomfort stop!

The beauty of being willing to actually experience sensory information, comfortable or not, is for clarity of discernment. If you judge that uncomfortable is "bad" and do your best to avoid or change it, you miss the subtle (or strong) information being provided to you by your higher consciousness clarity.

Let this be simple and pragmatic...

The more willing you are to experience what you actually feel, the easier your navigation becomes. It's sort of a paradox - you have to be willing to feel uneasy in order to generate the experience of ease. Life is a collection of paradoxes!

Let yourself feel uneasy in simple, everyday situations without immediately reacting, just for the experience of it. Get familiar with tones of discomfort, because it is communication. It takes just a few seconds to exhale and bring your awareness to that particular sense of anxiety, that particular wave of fear. It can take a bit of courage, too.

As you do, you begin to empower yourself to navigate by your senses, to discern for yourself what is the work for you to take action toward and what is your ego/mind structure trying to take control or in some way act to relieve you of discomfort without knowing what direction to actually move. When you begin to let yourself experience intuitive information in this way, without fear of uncomfortable communication, you become instantly more aware of your surroundings. You are more awake to what is actually occurring. You can see more clearly when old emotional patterns want to pull the blankets over your head and pretend change isn’t happening.

You are unique! There are things that you are here to say, to do, to create. Your discernment of your part and your willing action toward it is what creates a New Earth for yourself and for the whole.

Taking action that is actually yours to take may also feel uncomfortable - sorry about that! But it will be an entirely different discomfort! Moving into a project, a conversation, a piece of writing, a painting, a new move or job, or simply taking a break from the computer may also produce a level of discomfort. When you’re willing to not push that flavor of discomfort away, and you walk into the action anyway, you will almost immediately also sense the presence of movement, freedom, spaciousness, expansion, lightness.

Again, discomfort isn’t bad! It’s just information. When you recognize it as such and continue moving forward, you begin to find whole new levels of clarity in your life. The further you walk on this journey, the more clear it all becomes. You may even come to appreciate subtle discomforts showing you the nearly invisible ways the ego/mind has been controlling your experience for decades.

Moving forward toward work that’s not yours to do can produce anxiety, the sense of knee-jerk action, a feeling of going forward blindly just because it’s what you know how to do. Be aware, willing to recognize what you sense. You can’t make a mistake - forward is the movement that reveals the journey your own higher consciousness lays out for you on a daily basis! Go forward and feel. Sense. Listen.

You are moving into higher states of consciousness at your own unique pace. There is no contest and there is no endpoint. The prize of success is awareness of what you actually sense so that you can make the next move.

Humanity is designed to be in motion, in harmony with the motion of nature. You are designed to create in harmony with nature. There is no reason to deny anything created to this point, no reason to battle against things that no longer work. Simply walk forward with awareness of how it feels as you create something new.

Make friends with your discomforts…in baby steps as necessary! There is no reason to scare yourself into enlightenment! Baby step your way into recognition that discomfort is information. Or go headlong! It’s all good! Feel for the sense that YOU know takes you closer to open-hearted friendship with yourself. Feel for the discomforts that guide and re-steer you in that direction.

You are a brilliant light moving with this planet and all species, bringing a tone and creative contribution that only you can. The more you are willing to share your brilliance with yourself, it becomes impossible to keep it from others. And that, my friends, is the whole point.

Kerri Lake

Kerri assists the integration of divine consciousness through everyday life.

Your Presence Is The Real Value


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