Move Slower Than Blame

I saw a post blaming "white people" for killing Martin Luther King Jr. It's easy to blame. Emotions are high. That's what conflict wants ... what conflict needs ... emotions running high. 

You have the ability to move at a different pace though, without denying emotions. Emotions are energy ... lots of energy, in motion. To a mind full of fear, emotions are compelling, distracting, mesmerizing, unavoidable!

The moment you acknowledge this without judging it "bad" or "wrong", you become available to move at a different pace. The moment you let yourself see what energy is moving through you, you are free to pause and listen to it. You are free to acknowledge the emotions and the sensations that go with them. Acknowledging how you feel is freedom from overwhelm.

I also saw a post asking how many empaths are feeling overwhelmed and exhausted by the disharmony humanity is currently exploring. Many people with the beautiful intent to help are "holding space" and sending love and doing their best to process all of the darkness to "help" humanity. Are they sending love to try to fix a bad situation? Or are they sending love for the sake of love? Judging what you sense keeps the overwhelm train rolling.

Beloveds, there is no need to overwhelm yourself! Nor must you hold space. Acknowledge what you sense and hold onto nothing, not even space. Be in the lightness of your own heart and you amplify the pure love that does this work on behalf of us all. In the absence of judgment, love can move with greater purity. Love moves through you as it moves to and through others. Your body is nourished, your heart is nourished. Your mind is soothed. Generate your own presence of love and let it be expressed through your heart. Holding onto nothing, your embodiment amplifies the possibility of love in the hearts of so many who feel separated.

Honor the light that you are by simply acknowledging its existence. Honor the emotions you experience by simply acknowledging what you feel.

Taking on the burdens of others through empathy and sympathy is not your job, and you are welcome to stop. Unless of course you are enjoying it or it’s still serving you ... in which case, carry on! There are many times that I watched harsh things just to help me come to terms with it all. Trying to process and rectify the harshness feels fast and blame is always close at hand. Slower than processing, slower than blame is the presence of love, the absence of judgment.

You are not a sewage treatment plant! There is no need to take on the burdens of Creator resolving itself through the physical world. Remember, as you witness others experiencing suffering and difficulty, you are watching Creator being expressed in ways that dissolve density by opening the doors to amplify love.

When you begin to know the experience of the absence of judgment, once you dissolve the emotional charges throughout yourself, blame becomes irrelevant. Overwhelm becomes obsolete.

Remember who you are.

Kerri Lake

Kerri assists the integration of divine consciousness through everyday life.

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Having No Opinion